Policy and Procedures

For a paper copy of this manual, please email admin@sgdmfa.com. 


The purpose of this document is to set out the guiding principles, policies and procedures of the Spruce Grove and District Minor Football Association (SGDMFA). It outlines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of its membership and documents the day to day procedures for its football operations. This document should be read in conjunction with the Capital District Minor Football Association (CDMFA) Policies and Procedures Manual, which can be found on the CDMFA website at http://www.cdmfa.com.



Note: if anywhere in this document the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or clause is unclear or otherwise ambiguous, the Executive shall interpret the meaning of said word, phrase, sentence or clause in a reasonable manner. The following definitions shall apply, except when the context of the word, words, acronym, or phrase is such that an alternative meaning of same is obvious.

“By-Laws” means the By-Laws of SGDMFA

“CDMFA” means Capital District Minor Football Association, of which SGDMFA is a member

“Division” means the group of teams within a level that compete against each other in accordance with directives set forth by Football Alberta (e.g. Tier One)

“Executive” means the elected officers of SGDMFA who are elected at the annual general meeting and consist of President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Director-at-Large, Registrar, Ways and Means Director, Equipment Director, and Field Staff Liaison; each executive member shall hold only one position at a given time and must be and remain in good standing with the Association

“Family” refers to the registered players and their parents or legal guardians

"Football" means the game of Canadian football, played under the rules established in the current version of the Canadian Rule Book for Tackle Football, as modified by the CDMFA

“Level” means the age level of competition (e.g. Novice)

“Member” is one voting parent or guardian for each registered player (e.g. one player = one member) as per the SGDMFA By-Laws

“SGDMFA” means Spruce Grove and District Minor Football Association

“Team” shall refer to the players, coaches and field staff of an individual group at a specific level (e.g. The Atom Team)


Code of Conduct - Players

Commitment to education - School comes first. Your grades and class work take priority over football. Players must prioritize their time to ensure that homework and studying happen when they should. If you do not wait until the last day to do your homework or studying, school will rarely interfere with football.


Positive attitude - Expect a lot of yourself and always strive for the best you can do today. Learn from errors, accept coaching decisions (question them respectfully if you must), do not sulk or dwell on your own or other teammate’s mistakes in a negative way. It is hard work, but necessary to stay positive when things go badly. Remember: wherever you go and whatever you do, you are a Cougar and you are representing your team.


Unselfishness - A team cannot succeed based on individual effort alone. We win together and lose together, we are responsible for both. There is no room for envy, jealousy or destructive personal behavior.


Intensity - Competitors themselves are responsible to maintain a high level of intensity that is necessary for success. Coaches and support staff will do their best to create conditions that foster intensity, but in the end, it is up to the individual. Players will be constantly evaluated on their demonstration of coachability, hustle, mental and physical toughness, loyalty to the team, unselfishness, and the desire to improve their skills. Our goal is to have teams that constantly demand more of themselves than is demanded by the coaching staff.


Respect - We will treat teammates, coaches, support staff and other volunteers, officials and opponents with respect, both in what we say and what we do. Feelings of disrespect, sulking or a desire for revenge detract from our positive focus. Disrespect leads to errors, penalties and underestimation of our opponent. Disrespect for officials is unacceptable. SGDMFA will not condone unsportsmanlike behavior in any way. All players are to treat teammates, officials, spectators and field staff with respect and courtesy. Behavior that puts other players or coaches down, results in profanity, or demonstrates lack of self-control, will not be tolerated.


Responsibility - Commit yourself to being dressed, on time and ready to give your best in every practice and game. If complications arise (sickness, injury or conflicting responsibilities) explain to the team manager beforehand if possible. If not, explain as soon as you see him/her without having to be asked. Not having enough players to conduct a full practice is not fair to the team. If you do not come to practice consistently, you may not be eligible to play in upcoming game(s) and/or your playing time may be reduced. Be ready to do your part in the dressing room, in moving or handling equipment before or after a game and practice.


Excuse - Accept responsibility for mistakes or errors, loss of temper, defeats or other shortcomings without making excuses. Resolve to focus on improvement.


Coachability - Accept coaching instructions and decisions, including lineup changes, in a positive and cooperative manner. Lineups are always drawn up with the intention of getting the most out of the team. You are entitled to question the decisions that affects you, but it must be done respectfully.


Leadership - Every member of the team can be a leader in his/her own way: by example, by enthusiasm, by being helpful and supportive of teammates, by staying positive no matter the situation. Some leaders are vocal, while others say little and let their actions speak for them. Lead in your way, both on and off the field. Every one of us are ambassadors for the team. What you do individually affects your team.


Realistic goal setting - Set a wide range of specific but realistic goals for yourself. Work hard to achieve your goals and success will come. Team goals always come ahead of personal goals. Every individual achievement is due in part to the help of teammates and others around you.


Competing within the rules - Display good sportsmanship, give your best effort and follow all team guidelines. Following all football rules is expected. Anyone who intentionally disregards the rules of football and the SGDMFA guidelines will not be allowed to continue playing on the team.



Code of Conduct - Parents

Children participate in football for their own enjoyment.

Encourage fair play and respect for the rules of football.

Be supportive of your children. Ensure your child attends practices and games, is dressed and ready and always on time.

Be a role model of respect for everyone in the program. Do not use profane language or harass officials, field staff, spectators or players.

Wait until after the game or practice before approaching the manager with your questions or concerns. Wait 24 hours before bringing an issue to the manager.

Please always maintain respect for all volunteers. Recognize the value and importance of your child's coaches and the SGDMFA staff. They are all volunteers who donate a tremendous amount of time and effort to make this a positive experience for your child.

At all games and practices ensure your comments are positive and respectful.

Parents, siblings and spectators are always required to remain off the field. This includes both game and practice fields.

Show sportsmanship. Applaud good plays and efforts by the opposing team as well as your team.

Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during a game. SGDMFA will not condone unsportsmanlike conduct.

Respect all the decisions of the officials - even if you disagree with them.

Parents or spectators who cannot abide by this code of conduct will be asked to leave the field.

School comes first. Your child’s grades and class work take priority over football. Players must prioritize their time to ensure that homework and studying happen when they should. Players should be encouraged not to wait until the last minute to complete assignments or study.

All practices are important. Circumstances may arise where you must miss a practice (vacations, illness, etc.). When this occurs the player/parent is to notify his/her team manager as soon as possible. Not having enough players to conduct a full practice is not fair to the team. Please note that players who do not come to practice consistently may not be eligible to play the upcoming game(s) and/or their playing time may be reduced.

It is the parent’s responsibility to pay for their child’s lost or damaged equipment.

Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.



Code of Conduct - Coaches 


Abide by the decisions made by the SGDMFA Executive.

Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.

Place the emotional and physical wellbeing of their players ahead of their personal desire to win.

Treat each child as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for players within the same age group.

Provide a safe playing environment for their players.

Do not use foul and abusive language at any time.

Do not use coaching styles that humiliate and degrade self-esteem.

Control emotions with respect to other field staff, players, SGDMFA Executive, parents, officials and competitors.

Be knowledgeable of the rules and techniques of football and will teach these to the players.

Work cooperatively with all field staff.

Respect league officials and volunteers.

Follow all SGDMFA and CDMFA rules and regulations.

Reward effort and behavior and not outcome.

Put the needs of the team ahead of any individual.

Come to practice dressed in proper attire.

Remember the Fair Play rules. CDMFA regulations make sure each player gets their playing time. Children participate in football for their own enjoyment.

Support the medical opinion of the team trainers and medical personnel and do not overrule their judgment.

Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.



Code of Conduct - Field Staff 

Abide by the decisions made by the SGDMFA Executive.

Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.

Place the emotional and physical wellbeing of their players ahead of their personal desire to win.

Treat each child as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for players within the same age group.

Provide a safe playing environment for their players.

Do not use foul and abusive language at any time.

Control emotions with respect to other field staff, players, SGDMFA Executive, parents, officials and competitors.

Be knowledgeable and trained in all areas of your job description.

Work cooperatively with all field staff.

Respect league officials, parents, players and volunteers

Come to practice dressed in proper attire.

Support the medical opinion of the team trainers and medical personnel and do not overrule their judgment.

Find a trained, SGDMFA approved substitute for any practice or game you will be unable to attend. It is your responsibility.

Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.



Code of Conduct - Executive

Prepare in advance of meetings and be familiar with issues on agenda.

Fully participate in meetings while demonstrating respect, kindness, consideration and courtesy to others.

Discussions at the Executive should be open and frank. Any discussions that occur at these meetings should be kept confidential. Information given to the coaches, parents and general public must be approved by the Executive board of SGDMFA.

Respect and adhere to the rules, policies, procedures and by-laws of SGDMFA.

Present a united front to the parents, coaches and general public when decisions are made at the Executive level.

Project an image that always reflects the positive values of the SGDMFA Executive. (On or off the practice or playing field)

Consistently demonstrate a high standard of appropriate behavior.

Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.



Roles and Responsibilities [ref 5.1 - 5.16]




Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend and chair all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Arrange for an alternate chair in the event you are unable to attend an Executive meeting.


Attend CDMFA meetings.


Arrange for the Director At Large to attend CDMFA meetings in the event you are unable to attend.


Be the spokesperson of the SGDMFA with other teams in our league.


Chair the annual SGDMFA AGM and ensure notice is given to the public according to current by-laws.


Oversee the operation of SGDMFA.


Make sure all rules and regulations of the football governing body are followed.


Co-chair annual head coach interviews.


Handle all communications with the City of Spruce Grove regarding SGDMFA business.


Organize all training camps for players and coaches.


Assist all members of the Executive.


Work with the Director At Large to make sure all job descriptions are in place and change when necessary.


Along with the Director At Large, deal with all complaints brought forward with Executive approval if necessary.


Co-chair annual assistant coach interviews.


Organize any jamborees or special games outside of the season of play.


Book the fields for the current and upcoming year.


Attend the CDMFA AGM.


Notify the City, CDMFA, Football Alberta, Canada Revenue Agency and Service Alberta each year of changes to the Executive and ensure all required paperwork is filed with these agencies and bodies two weeks before the deadlines.


Manage the assignment of office and equipment room keys each year.





Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Attend CDMFA meetings if Director At Large or President cannot attend.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Chair Executive meetings in the absence of the President.


Become familiar with and assist all Executive members in the operation of their duties.


Ensure meeting rooms are booked with the City each month.


Act on behalf of the President if for any reason he/she cannot perform their duties.


Make sure all practice fields and game fields are in playable conditions.


Have monthly meetings with Head Coaches during season of play with the Director At Large.


Under the direction of the Director At Large, ensure all Coaching and Field Staff positions are filled and requirements have been met.


Ensure all Coaching and Field Staff information forms have been received by the Registrar prior to staff registration cut off.


Serve as communication liaison between the Executive and the Webmaster. Sign-off on any post to the website prior to it going live and have access as back-up in the event the webmaster is unable to post within the requested time frame.





Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Keep an accurate set of minutes from all the Executive meetings. Have the minutes ready and disturbed within 10 days of the meeting.


Assist the Registrar with any of their duties if they require help.


Prepare minutes for annual general meetings and distributed within 10 days.


Maintain a file of all forms used by SGDMFA, CDMFA and Football Alberta.


Collect agenda items forwarded by Executive members in advance of regularly scheduled Executive meetings.


Prepare the agenda for monthly SGDMFA meetings.


Maintain archived meeting minutes.


Coordinate with the Registrar, Treasurer and Concession Coordinator for volunteer hour requirements.


Monitor all emails coming to the admin@sgdmfa.com address and forward accordingly.


Assist the Registrar as needed with data entry and management of the SGDMFA sites.





Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings and supply a bank balance for each account.


With direct access to the RAMP website, pull, as needed, all financial and tracking reports to ensure checks and balances between registrations and payments.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Make all required bank deposits for the association.


Work with the Ways and Means Director, Concession Coordinator and Registrar to make sure all funds are received, deposited and balanced.


Write all cheques from the Association, as directed by the Executive as per SGDMFA purchasing procedures.


Keep an organized set of books that shows the costs that are incurred at all levels.


Maintain a register of all invoices and receipts for SGDMFA business commitments.


Have a schedule when all payments are due and make sure payments are made on time.


Ensure receipts are supplied for all payments.


Arrange for an audit of the financial statements at each fiscal year end, and prior to the AGM.


Financial statements must be ready for review at our annual general meeting.


Provide oversight for events that are intended to bring funds into the SGDMFA.


Manage the organization and safe keeping of all deposit cheques.


Provide a monthly financial statement at every Executive meeting.


Once a fundraising event has been completed, all sheets, monies and applicable product must be collected and accounted for. Money must be counted by the Fundraising Lead and turned over to the Treasurer.  The Treasurer will verify the count and facilitate the deposit of funds accordingly.


Submit a yearly budget for the approval of the Executive.


Ensure all purchases are made in accordance with the SGDMFA Purchasing Policy and that purchases have been properly authorized by the Executive before order is placed.


Coordinate with the Registrar, Secretary and Concession Coordinator to ensure checks and balances with open cash and debit machines.


Coordinate with the Concession Coordinator to ensure float, deposits and debit receipts are collected and balanced weekly.


Coordinate with the Secretary, Registrar and Equipment Manager to ensure you have in your possession all equipment and volunteer cheques.


Develop and maintain a system for distributing and collecting 50/50 tickets with the Ways and Means Director and Registrar.


Email Football Alberta monthly with current rosters to ensure on-field insurance is up-to-date.



Director At Large


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Attend all CDMFA Meetings if requested by the President.


Arrange for the Vice-president to attend CDMFA meetings in the event you are unable to attend.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Seek Executive approval on all changes that should be made to job descriptions, job duties and policies and procedures.


Maintain and update job descriptions for all Executive members.


Work with the President in maintaining and updating the policies and procedures for the SGDMFA.


Make sure the by-laws are in place and are being followed by the SGDMFA.


Suggest changes that should be made to the by-laws at the annual general meetings and, if changes are made, comply with all requirements of the Society’s Act for review and approval of the new by-laws.


Ensure all purchases are made in accordance with the SGDMFA purchasing policy, and that purchases have been properly authorized by the Executive before the order is placed.


Monitor the SGDMFA complaints and disputes process to ensure the effective management of complaints and disputes from all levels of the SGDMFA and provide feedback to the Executive. Ensure that the complaint and dispute process is communicated to all SGDFMA members and that it is being followed.


Ensure that meetings are being conducted properly and that the proper procedures have taken place for motions to pass.


Ensure all Executive members know what is required of them and assist them whenever required.


Meet with coaches and managers, along with the Vice-president, on a monthly basis to review issues and discuss issues raised by the Executive.


Review codes of conduct for players, parents and coaches and ensure that they are communicated to all parties. Monitor adherence to these codes of conduct documents and ensure that they are aligned with the principles of the SGDMFA.


Govern the code of conduct for the Executive, including resignations and dismissals.


Maintain all coaching application forms and criminal record check documentation for all field staff, and make sure that it is available upon written request of the President.


Investigate all player, coach, field staff suspensions, ejections and all officiating complaints.


Co-chair all interviews with the President.


Coordinate recruiting drives.


Director At Large, nor any of his/her relatives (including in-law and common-law) may be a member of any team’s field staff (including coaching, training, managing) to ensure impartiality unless voted otherwise on an individual case by the board of directors.





Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all monthly SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Take direction from SGDMFA Executive.


Organize and administer all aspects of the registration process as per CDMFA registration policies and procedures.


Complete CDMFA forms and submit them to the league as per CDMFA policies and procedures.


In collaboration with the Treasurer and Equipment Director, ensure all required fees and deposit cheques have been collected prior to players getting equipment.


Keep the on-line record of all registered players and coaches affiliated with SGDMFA current.


Complete and submit all registration forms to CDMFA as per their policies and procedures.


Give copies of registration forms and medical forms to Field Staff Liaison to distribute to appropriate Field Staff prior to the first practice of the new season.


With direct access to the website, and with assistance from RAMP, the Webmaster and other Executive members as needed, ensure the registration forms and rosters are uploaded correctly.


Monitor the on-line registration process and work with the Secretary to ensure accurate rosters are on the SGDMFA site.


Notify the Treasurer of any KidSport or grant payments to be expected.


Arrange a time to collect any in-person payments and provide a duplicate receipt to the payee and the Treasurer along with the funds.



Ways and Means Director


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Coordinate sponsorship activities for teams at all levels.


Coordinate solicitation of local businesses and service groups for donations.


Help organize any functions that the Association is sponsoring.


Make sure local businesses that are interested in football are kept informed of the status of all the teams.


Coordinate the preparation of posters and other sponsorship literature for home games acknowledging sponsors and donations.


Be the liaison between local businesses and SGDMFA.


Work with the President to seek out and apply for all federal, provincial, municipal and city grants that the SGDMFA may be eligible for.


Maintain a sponsorship register outlining the status of all current and potential sponsorship agreements and make the register available for review at Executive Meetings and upon request of the Executive members.


Prepare and submit a fundraising plan.


Administer all aspects of fundraising with direction from the Executive.


Apply for and make sure all licensing is in place for all fundraising events.


Coordinate with the Treasurer for fundraising licensing and tickets for registration.


Coordinate with Field Staff Liaison for licensing for 50/50 sales at home games.


In collaboration with the Treasurer, complete and submit all paperwork to the AGLC.


Keep accurate records of each fundraising project and report to the Executive.



Equipment Director


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA Executive meetings.


Take direction from SGDMFA Executive.


Keep an accurate inventory of all equipment.


Attend equipment shows and obtain current price lists for equipment.


Advise the Executive of all current and future equipment needs.


Submit an equipment budget for approval by the Executive.


Attend all equipment training seminars arranged by the Executive.


Organize equipment dispersal and fitting for all teams and maintain a record of equipment issued and deposits received.


Organize equipment return at the end of the season and maintain a record of equipment returned and deposits released.


Inventory, clean and store all equipment so it is ready for the next season.


Make sure Equipment Managers at all levels have a copy and are familiar with the policy and procedures.


Train all team Equipment Managers on the following:


  • Proper fitting of equipment.
  • Repair of equipment.
  • Filling out and keeping an accurate record of player’s equipment lists.


Cleaning and storage of all equipment.


Ensure that players and/or parents are not allowed in the equipment shed unless the Equipment Director, an Equipment Manager or an Executive member is present.


Advise the Executive of equipment that requires repair or re-certification. Advise the Executive of the costs. Arrange for recertification as required and in time for it to be returned for the subsequent season.


Advise the Executive of any abuse of the equipment.


Work with the Registrar to support collection of the equipment deposit and volunteer deposit cheques at all levels and ensure the cheques are attached to the players’ signed equipment lists.


Make sure no players receive equipment until their registrations are paid and a postdated deposit cheque for equipment has been received.


Organize and administer any special equipment for the players to purchase (e.g. gloves, hand warmers, jackets, etc.).


Make sure payment is received prior to any purchases made for individual players.


Issue receipts to purchaser as soon as payment has been received. Do not pre-issue receipts for purchases.


Keep the Team Equipment Managers’ repair boxes stocked with the necessary supplies, parts and tools.


Supply and maintain adequate inventory for Team Trainers’ first aid kits. Ensure kits are fully stocked as per checklist in advance of every game.


Ensure that tinted visors are only administered as per the SGDMFA Tinted Visor Medical Clearance Form Process.



Field Staff Liaison


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Attend all SGDMFA meetings.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Assist the Vice-president and Director At Large in collecting correct information of all field staff.


Ensure all team managers are aware of their duties and responsibilities and assist in any way possible.


Ensure all team managers’ web site training is complete prior to the start of the season.


Ensure team managers check and update the website and CDMFA rosters and ensure they are accurate.


Ensures all SGDMFA communication sent to players and parents is via the website and has been approved for posting by the Vice-president, President or Director At Large.


Work with the Registrar to ensure all required paperwork is at the field, or with the team, always.


Be present for all team manager and Director At Large meetings.


Pick-up, distribute and maintain the SGDMFA’s mail requirements on a weekly basis.


Organize team photos by acquiring pricing, dates, and booking of the photographer for team photos.


Ensures all team managers fulfill their obligations to the CDMFA.


Assist with all fundraising events and organize the year end player appreciation event with direction from the Executive.


Coordinate with the Ways and Means Director and team managers for 50/50 sales at home games.





Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Takes direction from the Executive.


Updates electronic communications including all social media and main website after the post has been signed off by the President, Vice-president or Director At Large.


Coordinates a library of critical documents on the website.


Assists with identification of required website training.


Coordinates with Executive Members to ensure all information is posted on the website.


Monitors all website activities.


Monitors all aspects of SGDMFA social media platforms with the direction of the Executive.



Concession Coordinator


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


With direct access to the website, and in collaboration with the Secretary and Registrar, post any and all volunteer opportunities.


Coordinate with the Equipment Manager to set up a schedule for equipment suit ups.


Manage the website for all events related to volunteer opportunities at the concession and update the Executive of any challenges in meeting volunteer requirements.


Work with the Treasurer and Registrar to make sure all funds are received, deposited and balanced, including cash, cheques and point of sale machines.


Ensure coverage of the concession.


Communicate with the Treasurer, Registrar and Secretary about issues/challenges/concerns with the concession or volunteers.



Head Coaches


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from SGDMFA Executive.


Attend all mandatory CDMFA coaches’ meetings.


Attend monthly check-in meetings with the Director At Large.


Attend or have a representative from their coaching staff attend all recruiting drives.


Recruit coaches for the approval of the SGDMFA Executive.


Coordinate with the Vice-president and Director At Large on training requirements for his/her coaching staff.


Ensure that enough field staff are in attendance of all games, practices and team functions.


Advise the Director At Large of any indiscretions on or off the field by any field staff, players or parents, as per the complaints/dispute process.


Provide input into the codes of conduct and ensure they are followed.


Be responsible for the conduct of their players and field staff at games and practices.


Commit to the development of every player on the team.


Advise the Team Equipment Manager of all equipment requirements.


Talk to parents of players and advise them of situations that have come up regarding their child (e.g. benching, decreased playing time, injuries, etc.).


Have at least one other coach and the Team Manager present when verbally disciplining a player.


Fill out incident reports as per CDMFA procedures and protocols.


Chair parent meetings at beginning of the season together with the team manager.


Work with the Association on any upcoming camps.


Establish and communicate criteria for player selection and tier placement.


Work with the Vice-president, the Director At Large, and the other head coaches to establish a structured development progression from the Novice levels up to the Bantam levels. Establish a logical progression of offensive, defensive and special teams’ schemes and consistent football terminology to support long term stability and development of the SGDMFA football program.


Be on busses when the team is being transported to and from a Game. Head coaches should promote team spirit and lead by example.



Assistant Coaches


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from SGDMFA Head Coach and Executive.


Attend all games, practices and team functions.


Be responsible for the conduct of their players at games and practices.


Commit to the development of every player on the team.


Advise the Team Equipment Manager of all equipment requirements.


Have at least one other coach and the Team Manager present when verbally disciplining a player.


Be on busses when the team is being transported.



Team Managers


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Oversee the day to day operations of their team.


Act as liaison between the parents and field staff.


Maintain communication between parents, players and field staff.


Receive complaints from field staff, parents and players and forward them to the Field Staff Liaison.


Advise everyone at their level of scheduling changes.


Help the coaches in the operation of the team.


Report any “in-house” fighting and disagreements between the coaches directly to the Field Staff Liaison immediately.


Support the coordination of the year-end team banquet.


Maintain team registers and ensure team documentation (player contact information, medical information, insurance documents) is available at all practices and games - it must be kept with the team.


Co-chair a parent meeting with the head coach at the beginning of the year.


Report directly to the Field Staff Liaison any verbal, physical or mental abuse by parents or field staff during practices or games.


Report any possible suspensions of players by coaches to the Field Staff Liaison and the Director At Large. This also includes coaches suspending the youth from games or practices due to unsatisfactory behavior, vandalism or fighting.


Coordinate with Registrar to ensure all player and parent contact information is accurate.


Schedule all volunteers needed for games (e.g. stick crew, 50/50 sales, time keeper).


Complete web site training prior to the start of the season.


Regularly update the website and CDMFA rosters and ensure they are accurate.


Be on busses when the team is being transported.



Team Trainers


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Possess the required certification or equivalent (as approved by the Executive) prior to the start of the season. This includes current Standard First Aid and taping certification or experience. Proof must be submitted and approved by the Director At Large prior to the start of the season.


Attend all practices and games. If not able to attend, you must ensure one of the other team trainers can attend on your behalf and you must notify them of any medical issues pertaining to your players. Teams must never be without a Trainer.


Keep the team’s first aid kit fully stocked. Notify the Equipment Director when additional supplies are needed. Team first aid kits must remain with the team or in the equipment room. Trainers are not to take first aid kits home with them.

Possess, monitor and administer any identified medications to his/her players, as requested by parents via the medical information sheet provided to the team by the Registrar.


Have ultimate authority to pull a player from the field for assessment and require a medical letter prior to any return to play. This includes concussion protocol.


In the event of an injury, assess the player and determine if he/she can return to play. If they are not able to return to play, recommend they seek medical attention or call an ambulance if the injury is serious.


Trainers must not provide treatment outside their scope of training.


Communicate thoroughly to all field staff about medical issues and plans of action. The Team Trainer’s decision is final and will not be questioned or contradicted by any other field staff or Executive.


Keep parents informed of injuries to their child. Have the Team Manager and/or Field Staff Liaison present when discussing issues with parents.


Be on busses when the team is being transported.


Team Equipment Managers

Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Be and remain in good standing with the Association.


Take direction from the SGDMFA Executive.


Look after the equipment issued to players at their level (Atom, Pee Wee, and Bantam).


Maintain equipment throughout the season.


Take care of the day to day equipment needs of the team.


Advise the Equipment Director of any abuse, theft or loss of equipment.


Help the Equipment Director with the collection, cleaning and storage of all the equipment at the end of the season.


Report and take direction from the Equipment Director.


Make sure everyone on the team is properly equipped.


Attend all games and practices at their team levels.


Collect footballs and training equipment after practices and games.


Make sure the equipment shed is always locked when your team is practicing.


Make sure the equipment room and dressing rooms are locked at the end of the practice.


Check with the coaches for their equipment needs.


Make sure the equipment box is well stocked.


Prepare an equipment checklist for practices and games and inventory equipment against the checklist in advance of each practice and game.


Make sure all players have water to drink.


Report all concerns to the Equipment Director regarding unsafe equipment or players who are not equipped properly.


Advise the Equipment Director of requirements for your team level.


The Equipment Manager of the first team playing a home game shall be at the field ½ hour before the game begins to ensure field markers, chains and time remote are ready.


The Equipment Manager of the last team playing a home game will stay and make sure that all the equipment from the field is properly cleaned and stored in the designated area.


The Equipment Manager has the final say on equipment, not the coaches. Advise the Equipment Director and Director At Large in the event of a dispute with a coach.

Stick Crew

Provided by the home team during a home game.


Must not display prejudice for either team.


The yard markers are to be moved only under the direction of the referee. Moving the markers without direction can prejudice the game.


Any questions regarding the operation of the yard markers should be directed to the game referee.


If the football play comes close to the yard/line markers, drop and run to clear the area for the players. The Referees will re-establish where the markers are to be placed if there is any question regarding re-establishing the markers.


Time and score clock volunteer will use the field remote and follow direction from the game referee on game-specifics.



Registration Policy

The SGDMFA registration process links directly to the CDMFA registration process and operates under direction of that system.

Registration fees will be established by the Executive prior to the registration date.

The registration fee will cover the cost of insurance, equipment, league fees, field rentals and other related expenses.

Registration and deposit cheques must be paid in full before a player will receive equipment or be allowed to participate in any practices or games. Equipment will be bagged and tagged until confirmation that cheque(s) have been received.

The Volunteer Commitment is considered part of the registration required by the SGDMFA.

If a player decides to withdraw on or before June 30, upon return of all equipment, they will be refunded the cost of fees less $100.00 to cover insurance and administration fees (*no refund for volunteer/fundraising fees will be given). [ref 6.7]

If a player registers after June 30 they will have a 7-day grace period to withdraw and upon return of all equipment, they will be refunded the cost of fees less $100.00 to cover insurance and administration fees (*no refund for fundraising fees will be given). [ref 6.8]

Should a player have an outstanding balance with SGDMFA including but not limited to unfulfilled volunteer commitments, or if payment has been returned NSF no refund will be provided, and the player will not be allowed on the field until such outstanding fees have been rectified. [ref 6.9]

A request for refund outside the above timelines may be made for extenuating circumstances and will be dealt with by the Executive on an individual basis. All decisions of the SGDMFA Executive are final. Requests must be made to the Registrar via email.

There will be a $50 charge for all NSF cheques.

Parents applying for grants or special programs must inform the Registrar at the time of their registration. It may take several weeks to get confirmation of funding grants, so this delay must be factored in to the application time frame. Remember that equipment will not be issued to players until confirmation of fee payment. Parents receiving partial grants must make the remaining payment in full before their child will receive their equipment.


Training Policy

At the end of the season, SGDMFA will reimburse volunteers for coaching and training courses as long as the following criteria have been met:

  • The course is required to perform their role
  • The course is sanctioned by SGDMFA Executive, Football Alberta or Football Canada
  • The receipt and proof of completion is received by email to the Executive after the volunteer has completed his/her full commitment to the team 


Communication Policy

All communication will be approved by the Executive.

Media Communications (such as newspapers, billboards, etc.) must go through the Executive only. 

Team Managers may post team information on their own team page after approval by the team’s Head Coach to ensure content is accurate.

The President or Vice-president will work with the Webmaster to ensure content is approved before it is posted on the website, emailed to the membership or distributed via social media.

Social Media will be handled by the Webmaster (or his/her delegate) only. Executive and Field Staff are not to post or respond to messaging directed to SGDMFA, however, sharing of sanctioned posts is encouraged.

Access to the Association website is limited to the following people:

  • Webmaster: full access to the website content pages and social media platforms (President or Vice-president may act as delegate)
  • Secretary: full access to the website email pages for administration of email addresses and monitoring of the admin email
  • Registrar: full access to the website registration pages
  • Treasurer: full access to the website registration pages
  • Concession Coordinator: access to the website content page for volunteer and equipment scheduling (Equipment Director may act as delegate)
  • Team Managers: access to team page (via separate passwords)


Incident Policy

The SGDMFA Executive and its members are committed to the development and sportsmanship of its players. SGDMFA strives to improve its operation to better serve the organization. As such, it is the policy of the SGDMFA Executive committee to review any incident that may arise out of the normal operation of the SGDMFA. All incidents will be investigated to determine the cause or causes, what can be done to improve our systems and, when necessary, to implement remedial actions.

The following is a partial list of examples of incidents that require a review:

  • When a player, coach or volunteer has been ejected by an official from a game
  • When a player has been injured and required transportation and physician attention
  • When there has been an official complaint from SGDMFA member(s) about a player, coach, volunteer or supplier
  • When there has been an allegation of physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • When there has been a criminal charge made against a player, coach or volunteer
  • When there has been an official complaint of discrimination.


The members of the SGDMFA or the Executive can, at anytime, if deemed necessary, implement the discipline policy procedures. [ref 9 and 10]

The investigation into an incident will be handled by the following four members:

  • President (voting member) - chair the review process
  • Vice-president (voting member)
  • Director At Large (voting member)
  • Team Manager (representing the team involved in the incident - non-voting member)
  • The SGDMFA Secretary (or other appointed Executive member) will act as an alternate for any of the above members should the incident involve that person.

Incident information will be collected by the members of the Incident Review committee under the direction of the President.

Minutes of the incident review committee meeting will be kept and filed with the Secretary.

In some cases, outside sources or professional services may be brought in to assist the Incident Review Committee to deliberate its discussion.

The Incident Review Committee will formulate recommendations which are to be presented to the SGDMFA Executive for final assessment. A vote of two-thirds in favour is required.

In some cases, incidents are to be review by the CDMFA. The intent of the Incident Review Committee is to formulate a review in conjunction with the CDMFA. Reports and minutes may be shared with the CDMFA at the discretion of the SGDMFA Executive.

Recommendations will be reported to the Executive prior to being implemented.

The designated spokesperson will be the President unless the incident involves him/her, in which case the Vice-president becomes the spokesperson.

All decisions of the SGDMFA Executive regarding incidents are final.


Discipline Policy

At times discipline must be implemented to ensure that the SGDMFA policies and procedures are followed.

There are three levels of discipline:

Level 1 Discipline - field level discipline. This is usually carried out by the team’s field staff and does not require formal documentation, but a review of actions taken may be necessary. Examples where this may be carried out: misbehavior on the field, lack of attention to drills, lack of effort, profane language, etc.

Level 2 Discipline - involves a formal incident review investigation and consists of a verbal or written recommendation and/or warning. Examples where this may be carried out: suspension during a league game, benching of a player due to repeated level 0 behaviour, on-going complaints about field staff, etc.

Level 3 Discipline: - comes as a result of a formal incident review investigation and results in removal from the team, volunteer position or membership. Examples where this may be carried out: bullying of players, discrimination, assault, etc.

Upon final decision of remedial action required for levels 2 and 3 discipline, the SGDMFA Executive will advise, in writing, all parties involved of the decision made and the action taken.

All decisions of the SGDMFA Executive regarding discipline are final.



Protection of Personal Information Policy

The intent of this section is to control the management of personal information that is collected as part of the normal operation of SGDMFA activities. When personal information is collected or to be used, the owner of the information is aware of the intent and purpose of the collected information.

Any form that is used for the collection of information must have an acknowledgement statement that indicates what the information will be used for and who else may use the information. 

In accordance with FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act), teams are not allowed to retain copies of personal player information beyond the end of the season. The Association may retain this information to assist in its operations but will ensure it is protected from inappropriate disclosure.

The CDMFA requires that player information is verified to confirm player eligibility for registration. In lieu of collecting copies of player documents, the Registrar will administer a Player Information Database. The database will record relevant player information to support CDMFA and SGDMFA registration and information requirements. The Registrar (or designate(s) approved by the Executive) shall validate and provide endorsement of all required player information that will be collected in the database. Reproductions of required supporting documents will no longer be collected. The Registrar and/or approved designate(s) will personally confirm the player information presented by players or parents to support their registration and enter the relevant information into the data base. The Registrar and/or approved designate(s) will confirm the date and time that the information was validated and the authorized person who validated the information and record this information in the database as well.

Volunteer and Fundraising Policy

Volunteer commitments for the SGDMFA will be established at the beginning of each playing year. These requirements will be voted on by the Executive for that year and explained to the parents during the registration process.

Raffle ticket sales are mandatory for every player registered with the SGDMFA. Two books of tickets per player registered will be distributed at the time of registration. Full payment for the two books of tickets must be received at the time of registration. There is no opt-out provision for fundraising.

If a family chooses to sell more than their allotted two books per player, they will be doing so knowing that there will be no monetary gain.

Ticket stubs must be turned in to team managers by the date specified by the SGDMFA Executive. The ticket stubs will then be submitted to the Treasurer and Ways and Means Director.

Volunteer shifts include any shift that generates revenue for the Association, such as concession shifts, casino shifts, High School Game stick-crew shifts, etc. Note: SGDMFA stick-crew shifts do not generate revenue so do not count towards volunteer shifts. 

Volunteer deposit cheques, of an amount determined by the Executive, must be paid at registration to cover each event that the member is required to work to fulfill their volunteer requirements. These cheques will be postdated to coincide with the volunteer and fundraising requirements of the Association and parents must sign up for one required shift prior to the date of each cheque (two shifts are required for each player prior to the end of the season). Volunteer cheques will be cashed if a parent fails to fulfill their volunteer obligations by the required dates.

Should a parent be late or fail to show up for their committed shift, their corresponding deposit cheque will be cashed. If the volunteer is unable to attend their designated shift it is the volunteer’s responsibility to ensure someone can fulfill their shift. No exceptions will be made.

Parents may choose to opt out of all volunteer activities. Parents electing to do so must notify the Registrar in advance. The Registrar will cash all volunteer cheques once parents have confirmed by email that they have opted out.

Any Member who has been removed from a volunteer position by the Executive as part of the Discipline Policy will not be allowed to volunteer for the Association in any of the following positions: Executive, Coach, Field Staff, Concession Coordinator, Webmaster, Stick Crew or any other volunteer positions that may be established from time to time.  They will, however, be allowed to volunteer for their mandatory concession shift, which is a requirement of their membership - this is the only volunteer opportunity in which they may participate. Unless voted otherwise on an individual case by the board of directors.

Equipment Policy

All players will be supplied with the basic equipment required by SGDMFA. Basic equipment consists of helmet, mouth guard, shoulder pads, girdle, knee pads, practice and game pants and practice and game jerseys in an Association bag.

Players will not be issued equipment until their registrations are paid and postdated cheques for equipment and volunteer deposits have been received.

The player’s parent or legal guardian must sign for all equipment issued.

Equipment must not be altered or modified in any way. 

Any lost, damaged or altered equipment becomes the financial responsibility of the player’s parent or legal guardian. If the equipment deposit cheque is not sufficient to cover the price of the equipment, another cheque to cover the outstanding balance must be issued.

If the parent or legal guardian refuses to pay for lost, damaged or altered equipment, the amount owing will be added to next year’s registration. The player will not be allowed to play in the SGDMFA until the equipment is paid for. SGDMFA has the right to pursue legal action in cases where equipment has been mistreated or deliberately damaged and reimbursement has not been provided.

The Equipment Director, team equipment managers and SGDMFA Executive are the only people authorized to distribute equipment. This is to be done under the direction of the Equipment Director.

Any player abusing equipment must be reported to the SGDMFA Executive. The player may be punished or suspended by the Association until restitution has been made.

All equipment must be returned on dates set by the Equipment Director. If equipment is not returned on these dates, the player will not be allowed to attend the team banquet, receive team pictures or register for the following season until it has been returned. 

All equipment is to be returned cleaned and washed. If it is not, it may be refused, or a 25% cleaning fee will be taken out of their deposit cheque.

Deposit cheques will be returned to the parent or legal guardian when all equipment has been returned and it has been determined that there are no penalties.

Special equipment or merchandise ordered by a player shall be paid for in full before the order is placed. A receipt will be issued to the player and must be presented when picking up the equipment or merchandise.

Purchase of equipment is pursuant to the budget provided for the specific football year.

Sale of old equipment to players must be voted on by the Executive each year to control inventory and stock.

Purchasing Policy

The goals and principles of the SGDMFA Purchasing Policy are to purchase the necessary quality and quantity of goods and services in an efficient, timely and cost-effective manner, while maintaining the controls necessary for our association.

Ensure the maximum value of an acquisition is obtained by determining the total cost of performing the intended function over the lifetime of the task. This may include, but not be limited to, acquisition cost, training cost, maintenance cost, quality of performance and environmental impact.

Allow open and frank discussion at all Executive meetings when a purchase proposal is brought forth.

Have all information and samples ready when proposing a purchase so the Executive can make an informed decision.

Purchasing for the SGDMFA shall be coordinated through the Treasurer. 

Purchasing for SGDMFA shall be monitored by the Treasurer to ensure that the goals and guiding principles are being followed.

The Treasurer shall present a list of the prior month’s expenditures at each monthly SGDMFA Executive meeting.

Purchases under $500.00 may be authorized by the Treasurer to avoid delays in purchases that the Association may require between monthly Executive meetings. These purchases shall be reviewed at the Executive meetings as part of the prior month purchase report to ensure expenditures are proper.

Purchases over $500.00 shall be reviewed and approved by Executive majority vote, then signed off by two of either the Treasurer, President, or Vice-president of SGDMFA. The only exceptions to this purchasing policy are when time constraint will not allow a meeting. In such a case email vote can take place to ensure purchases can still be made in a timely manner. An email vote will only be allowed with the consent and response of every sitting board member. Any member of the sitting Executive board can bring forth a purchasing proposal they feel is required for the current SGDMFA year.

Medical Policy

All players registered with SGDMFA must complete the medical information form supplied by the Association. If must be signed by the player’s parent or legal guardian.

All players who are suspected to have had a concussion, will have their helmets taken by the trainer, must obtain medical clearance in order to play or practice and must follow Return-to-Play procedures administered by the team trainer.

If a player sustains an injury that results in the trainer pulling them from the field and recommending medical assessment their helmet will be taken by the trainer, they must present a signed medical release from a doctor stating that they are able to return to playing football. The player must also have written permission from their parent or legal guardian (email to the Team Trainer or Manager is sufficient). When the Team Manager receives both documents, the player will then be allowed to resume practices and games.

All players’ medical information sheets will be kept confidential. One copy will remain with the Executive and another copy will be kept in a binder in the first aid bag of the player’s team, under the care of the Team Trainer.

If a serious injury occurs, an ambulance will be called. The medical information sheet will be given to the ambulance attendant. Once it is known where the player is being taken, every effort will be made to contact the parents or legal guardian and advise them. If a player must be taken to a medical professional for assessment and the parents or guardian cannot be reached, the medical information sheet must accompany the player.

It is the parent or legal guardian’s responsibility to ensure that any medication required by a player (e.g. asthma inhaler, EpiPen, etc.) is always with the player. It is the recommendation of the Executive that the medication be given to the trainer to keep in the first aid bag for the duration of the season. However, if this is not feasible, the medication may be brought by the player to each practice and game and given to the trainer for safekeeping during the team activity. If a player has been identified to require medication and it is not with the player, they will not be allowed to participate until the trainer has received the medication.

In case of bleeding every attempt should be made by the person tending them not to come in contact with the blood or any other bodily fluids. Medical gloves are in each first aid bag.

Refunds regarding ambulance or medical bills, personal insurance must be utilized first, and the balance paid by Football Alberta insurance. If there is no personal insurance all bills are to be directed to Football Alberta insurance.

Updates Policy

Updates to the policies and procedures may be made by the Executive as needed. An updated copy must be posted to the SGDMFA website and should be the reference point for all matters.



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