Atom - Blue

Last Minute Jamboree Info

Hi Atom Families,

I have a few notes to go over before tomorrow's jamboree! Please read them through as it makes our job as field staff much easier if everyone takes a couple of minutes to get the correct info!

  • Everyone is asked to bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on. There may be some bleacher seats available but we aren't sure they will be available for our particular fields.
  • The uniform is blue pants, blue socks (as we are playing on real grass) and blue jerseys but please bring both as this can change!!
  • Please dress for any weather - my weather app says 21 degrees with a 30% chance of showers but we all know Alberta :-) Pack a change of underclothes for the kids as they will be working hard and it is a long day to be stuck in wet/sweaty clothes. 
  • Hydrate! You can't pack too many fluids with your player! Also, please make sure their water bottles are labelled - we have a lot of the same bottles on the sidelines and its hard to find yours in a hurry! There will also be team water available for refills during and between games.
  • Food - the coaches have asked that snacks/food be healthy. Some of our parents have generously volunteered to cook hot dogs and have fruit and/or veggie trays available to munch on between games. This will most likely be in the parking lot so watch for it. The tournament organizers also have a concession so feel free to check it out, however past experience has taught us that the line ups can get really long and we don't have much time between games. 
  • If you still have raffle tickets, please find myself or Hailie and hand them in - this is the absolute last call!
  • Last but not least - this is the last event before we break for July! There are no practices next week - football will resume August 2 at 6:00! Enjoy your summer - I'm sure I am not the only one ready for a break ;-)

I will leave you with this quote taken directly from the organizers of the jamboree:

"Please be reminded of the "spirit" of this jamboree. For some this will be their first exposure to organized football, we all would like to make this a positive one!"

See you all tomorrow morning at 9:15 sharp! As always, feel free to email any questions!



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