
Reminders for the Jamboree

Hey there COUGARS Football Fans!

Tonight during practice the players received a blue and a white Jersey as well as a pair of each blue and white socks.

 They should have already received blue game pants when they got their equipment.  PLEASE CHECK THEIR BAGS TO BE SURE THEY DO HAVE THEM! If not, let me know so we can get them during practice Thursday evening. This will be the only opportunity to do so before the Jamboree on Saturday. This goes for any player who may not have gotten a game jersey tonight as well. 

Please have players double check their bags on Friday night so they are 100% positive they have EVERYTHING they need!  Including BOTH their Blue AND White game jersey. It's not much fun to get all the way to Leduc and discover a cleat or shoulder pads are missing.

Game gear for the jamboree will be BLUE game pants, BLUE socks We will decide on they jersey color based on what our opponent's will be wearing. So bring them both.

I still have not heard from everyone regarding if their player will be away for this jamboree. Please send me an email letting me know who to expect, asap.

Have a great night!

See You At The Field!


2017 Peewee COUGARS Manager




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