Code of Conduct - Players
Commitment to education - School comes first. Your grades and class work take priority over football. Players must prioritize their time to ensure that homework and studying happen when they should. If you do not wait until the last day to do your homework or studying, school will rarely interfere with football.
Positive attitude - Expect a lot of yourself and always strive for the best you can do today. Learn from errors, accept coaching decisions (question them respectfully if you must), do not sulk or dwell on your own or other teammate’s mistakes in a negative way. It is hard work, but necessary to stay positive when things go badly. Remember: wherever you go and whatever you do, you are a Cougar and you are representing your team.
Unselfishness - A team cannot succeed based on individual effort alone. We win together and lose together, we are responsible for both. There is no room for envy, jealousy or destructive personal behavior.
Intensity - Competitors themselves are responsible to maintain a high level of intensity that is necessary for success. Coaches and support staff will do their best to create conditions that foster intensity, but in the end, it is up to the individual. Players will be constantly evaluated on their demonstration of coachability, hustle, mental and physical toughness, loyalty to the team, unselfishness, and the desire to improve their skills. Our goal is to have teams that constantly demand more of themselves than is demanded by the coaching staff.
Respect - We will treat teammates, coaches, support staff and other volunteers, officials and opponents with respect, both in what we say and what we do. Feelings of disrespect, sulking or a desire for revenge detract from our positive focus. Disrespect leads to errors, penalties and underestimation of our opponent. Disrespect for officials is unacceptable. SGDMFA will not condone unsportsmanlike behavior in any way. All players are to treat teammates, officials, spectators and field staff with respect and courtesy. Behavior that puts other players or coaches down, results in profanity, or demonstrates lack of self-control, will not be tolerated.
Responsibility - Commit yourself to being dressed, on time and ready to give your best in every practice and game. If complications arise (sickness, injury or conflicting responsibilities) explain to the team manager beforehand if possible. If not, explain as soon as you see him/her without having to be asked. Not having enough players to conduct a full practice is not fair to the team. If you do not come to practice consistently, you may not be eligible to play in upcoming game(s) and/or your playing time may be reduced. Be ready to do your part in the dressing room, in moving or handling equipment before or after a game and practice.
Excuse - Accept responsibility for mistakes or errors, loss of temper, defeats or other shortcomings without making excuses. Resolve to focus on improvement.
Coachability - Accept coaching instructions and decisions, including lineup changes, in a positive and cooperative manner. Lineups are always drawn up with the intention of getting the most out of the team. You are entitled to question the decisions that affects you, but it must be done respectfully.
Leadership - Every member of the team can be a leader in his/her own way: by example, by enthusiasm, by being helpful and supportive of teammates, by staying positive no matter the situation. Some leaders are vocal, while others say little and let their actions speak for them. Lead in your way, both on and off the field. Every one of us are ambassadors for the team. What you do individually affects your team.
Realistic goal setting - Set a wide range of specific but realistic goals for yourself. Work hard to achieve your goals and success will come. Team goals always come ahead of personal goals. Every individual achievement is due in part to the help of teammates and others around you.
Competing within the rules - Display good sportsmanship, give your best effort and follow all team guidelines. Following all football rules is expected. Anyone who intentionally disregards the rules of football and the SGDMFA guidelines will not be allowed to continue playing on the team.
Code of Conduct - Parents -
Children participate in football for their own enjoyment.
Encourage fair play and respect for the rules of football.
Be supportive of your children. Ensure your child attends practices and games, is dressed and ready and always on time.
Be a role model of respect for everyone in the program. Do not use profane language or harass officials, field staff, spectators or players.
Wait until after the game or practice before approaching the manager with your questions or concerns. Wait 24 hours before bringing an issue to the manager.
Please always maintain respect for all volunteers. Recognize the value and importance of your child's coaches and the SGDMFA staff. They are all volunteers who donate a tremendous amount of time and effort to make this a positive experience for your child.
At all games and practices ensure your comments are positive and respectful.
Parents, siblings and spectators are always required to remain off the field. This includes both game and practice fields.
Show sportsmanship. Applaud good plays and efforts by the opposing team as well as your team.
Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during a game. SGDMFA will not condone unsportsmanlike conduct.
Respect all the decisions of the officials - even if you disagree with them.
Parents or spectators who cannot abide by this code of conduct will be asked to leave the field.
School comes first. Your child’s grades and class work take priority over football. Players must prioritize their time to ensure that homework and studying happen when they should. Players should be encouraged not to wait until the last minute to complete assignments or study.
All practices are important. Circumstances may arise where you must miss a practice (vacations, illness, etc.). When this occurs the player/parent is to notify his/her team manager as soon as possible. Not having enough players to conduct a full practice is not fair to the team. Please note that players who do not come to practice consistently may not be eligible to play the upcoming game(s) and/or their playing time may be reduced.
It is the parent’s responsibility to pay for their child’s lost or damaged equipment.
Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.
Code of Conduct - Coaches
Abide by the decisions made by the SGDMFA Executive.
Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.
Place the emotional and physical wellbeing of their players ahead of their personal desire to win.
Treat each child as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for players within the same age group.
Provide a safe playing environment for their players.
Do not use foul and abusive language at any time.
Do not use coaching styles that humiliate and degrade self-esteem.
Control emotions with respect to other field staff, players, SGDMFA Executive, parents, officials and competitors.
Be knowledgeable of the rules and techniques of football and will teach these to the players.
Work cooperatively with all field staff.
Respect league officials and volunteers.
Follow all SGDMFA and CDMFA rules and regulations.
Reward effort and behavior and not outcome.
Put the needs of the team ahead of any individual.
Come to practice dressed in proper attire.
Remember the Fair Play rules. CDMFA regulations make sure each player gets their playing time. Children participate in football for their own enjoyment.
Support the medical opinion of the team trainers and medical personnel and do not overrule their judgment.
Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.
Code of Conduct - Field Staff
Abide by the decisions made by the SGDMFA Executive.
Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.
Place the emotional and physical wellbeing of their players ahead of their personal desire to win.
Treat each child as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for players within the same age group.
Provide a safe playing environment for their players.
Do not use foul and abusive language at any time.
Control emotions with respect to other field staff, players, SGDMFA Executive, parents, officials and competitors.
Be knowledgeable and trained in all areas of your job description.
Work cooperatively with all field staff.
Respect league officials, parents, players and volunteers
Come to practice dressed in proper attire.
Support the medical opinion of the team trainers and medical personnel and do not overrule their judgment.
Find a trained, SGDMFA approved substitute for any practice or game you will be unable to attend. It is your responsibility.
Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.
Code of Conduct - Executive
Prepare in advance of meetings and be familiar with issues on agenda.
Fully participate in meetings while demonstrating respect, kindness, consideration and courtesy to others.
Discussions at the Executive should be open and frank. Any discussions that occur at these meetings should be kept confidential. Information given to the coaches, parents and general public must be approved by the Executive board of SGDMFA.
Respect and adhere to the rules, policies, procedures and by-laws of SGDMFA.
Present a united front to the parents, coaches and general public when decisions are made at the Executive level.
Project an image that always reflects the positive values of the SGDMFA Executive. (On or off the practice or playing field)
Consistently demonstrate a high standard of appropriate behavior.
Do not use any social media to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from SGDMFA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.